Place Collect UK Exchanges: Art in the public realm

Date: 13 September 2024
Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Online via Teams
Third-party event

Join us online to talk about the role of street art in bringing life and vibrancy to urban neighbourhoods.

We’ve got three different speakers lined up, ready to bring diverse perspectives to the conversation. Come along to hear about Enfield Council’s public art programme, Global Street Art’s London Mural Festival, and Geojam’s lived experiences as public artists.

“Curate Enfield” by Clare Moloney, Place Shaping Manager, London Borough of Enfield

Clare is currently leading public art and place shaping projects in collaboration with local communities in a number of priority places and town centres in London Borough of Enfield. Clare has an extensive track record of developing and delivering place based cultural programmes across artforms and with a diversity of partners and stakeholders. She is passionate about promoting the arts as an inclusive practice and delivering creative opportunities outside of traditional arts and cultural spaces.

Clare will be talking about Curate Enfield, the Council’s public art programme. She will share how the programme has supported local people to have creative agency and take the lead in delivering a transformational public art project in their town centres. She will also share the opportunities, outcomes and legacy generated by the programme and also some of the challenges and lessons learned.

“Studio GeoJam” by Georgia Trower and Jamie Harrington

GeoJam is a London/Essex-based design studio that began its collaboration in 2017. Their portfolio is diverse, encompassing murals, exhibitions, pop-up structures, and workshops. The studio is comprised of Georgia, an architect with 10 years of industry experience, and Jamie, a multidisciplinary designer with a background in model making and computational design.

Georgia and Jamie will be talking about their experiences of working as artists in the public realm.

“London Mural Festival” by Louise Hervouet, Commissions and Public Art lead at Global Street Art

Louise Hervouet is the Commissions and Public Art lead at Global Street Art. An architect by training, her mission is to bring more creativity to our streets and promote cities’ culture and heritage. She advises property developers, venues, hospitality companies, architecture practices, and councils on increasing a place’s emotional and economic value and fostering footfall with large-scale, unique, hand-painted murals.

Louise will be talking about London Mural Festival, which takes place in September. It’s happening every four years and it’s the UK’s biggest celebration of street art; they will be painting over 100 murals across London with great artists to showcase their talent but also to regenerate areas in our city and bring communities together. The murals are intended to stay in place after the festival in September – leaving a lasting legacy for Londoners. She’ll bring questions about community engagement in placemaking projects and data collection to the discussion.