St. Bride Foundation: The Beatrice Warde Memorial Lecture – Adventures in episodic type design

Date: 17 October 2024
Time: 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm
In-person at St. Bride Foundation, London, UK and online
Third-party event

Seven years ago, David Jonathan Ross decided to stop releasing fonts the old fashioned way, and started emailing a new font out to his friends and colleagues each and every month. He is the first to admit that a Font of the Month Club is a goofy and impractical idea, but it is one that he takes very seriously. In this talk, David will share how this chunkification of his process into monthly missives has streamlined his workflow, redefined his business, and created opportunities to make the kinds of fonts he wants to make (even if that doesn’t happen to align with what the market is demanding).