This academic seminar series explores a broad range of topics such as data science, urban planning and urban networks and their impact on the dynamic of cities.
It is a chance to learn from experts in these fields and engage in discussions with fellow attendees. Each seminar will feature presentations and discussions, offering insights into how data science is impacting our understanding of cities, the ins and outs of urban planning, and the complexities of urban networks.
Whether you’re a professional in these fields, a student looking to expand your knowledge, or just someone curious about the dynamics of cities, the CASA Seminar Series is a great opportunity to gain insights and connect with others who share your interests.
With the recent rise in studies focused on characterising spatial non-stationarity in processes that vary across space, Geographically Weighted (GW) models have emerged as the de facto statistical toolkit for addressing such challenges. This has attracted a diverse range of users and developers from across various scientific disciplines. In this talk, Dr Binbin Lu will introduce several newly developed GW models and demonstrate their applications through a series of case studies from different fields. To support the widespread adoption of GW models in research, he will also present the R package ‘GWmodel’ alongside a newly developed standalone software, ‘GWmodelS,’ which is built upon the GWmodel framework. The standalone software offers several key advantages, including a user-friendly graphical interface, enhanced operational efficiency, and improved accessibility. These features are designed to encourage usage across a broad spectrum of users, regardless of their technical expertise.