GA::kit has been created by American firm Gallagher & Associates (G&A), experts in the field of building community experiences.
It’s an Open Source Software toolkit for developers and creative technologists on experience design teams, to quickly develop interactive experiences. This can be at any point in a design process, from a brief proof of concept, to a large-scale immersive final installation.
The developers hope that GA::kit could provide other experience design teams with additional opportunities to achieve faster, more integrated, and more holistic results. Another potential benefit could be to attract computer science students and developers from other areas to the field of experience design.
GA::kit was developed in C++ with a framework-agnostic approach to ensure it could evolve to keep pace with the introduction of new frameworks and tools to the creative coding ecosystem. It can be integrated into technologists favourite frameworks with minimal effort, and easily adapted to suit their specific needs.
GA::kit and ofxGAkit (the official openFrameworks add-on) are released as Open Source software under MIT license by G&A Tech and contributors: Tyler Henry, Luobin Wang, Weili Shi, Jonathan Cohen, and Bryan Ma.