A print-maker’s view with Angela Harding

Date: 15 February 2024
Time: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: In-person at St Bride Foundation, Fleet Street, London, UK and online via Zoom
Third-party event
Print of small house next to a sea (stormy clouds overhead), with a sail boat on the sea and two people standing on the shore

British wildlife has always inspired artist Angela Harding. She usually makes her work in a studio at the bottom of her garden which overlooks sheep fields surrounded by gentle sloping hills, spends summers with her husband on a small wooden sailboat exploring the Norfolk and Suffolk coasts and widely travels different corners of the UK from the Fair Isle to Cornwall. Angela always carries a sketchbook on these trips – drawing on the landscape and wildlife that surrounds her. Back in the studio she uses a combination of drawing and imagination to create the iconic linocuts and illustrations that we all know and love.