Man with visual impairment navigating his way through a busy railway station using mobile phone app assistive technology

Smart inclusive wayfinding: Is Waymap the solution for mobility and independence for all?

Date: 28 April 2022
Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Online via Zoom
Past event

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About our speakers

Dr Tom Pey is the founder and managing director of Waymap, the world’s most accurate indoor and outdoor navigation system. This follows decades of research and work where he became a leading expert on the navigation needs of people with disabilities. Through Waymap, Tom has overseen the development of an integrated smart city navigation system that works both indoors and outdoors and for everyone – including those with disabilities. Following a successful career as an international investment banker, Tom, having lost his sight at the age of 39, took on a number of senior positions in the charity sector. Tom successfully transformed the national charity, the Royal Society for Blind Children (RSBC) from a regional charity that provided education, to a national charity that supports the holistic needs of blind children across the UK.

Julian Jackson spent five years as Director of Development and Senior Adviser to a leading eye research charity. In 2016 he launched VisionBridge, supported by a nationwide group of academic researchers, clinicians, tech developers and patient advocates. He works to support assistive technology innovators, promote eye health, increase the awareness and understanding of sight loss and introduce the world of eye research to the public, eye health professionals and the wider Visually Impaired community across the UK. Julian lost his sight in 2010 to a retinal inherited disease and therefore has a personal as well as professional interest in the ongoing research to prevent sight loss, treat eye disease and restore sight but also crucially to improve the quality of life for patients through enhanced rehabilitation with appropriate assistive technologies.


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