Type Tuesday: MuirMcNeil’s Two System

Date: 4 June 2024
Time: 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
In-person at St Bride Foundation, Bride Lane, Fleet Street, London, UK
Third-party event

Eye magazine’s popular Type Tuesday returns in June with designers Hamish Muir and Paul McNeil. who explore systematic and algorithmic methods in type design, graphic design and moving image. (See also ‘Pleasure in the process’ in Eye 94, whose 8000 different covers were designed by MuirMcNeil.). Muir and McNeil will talk about their book System Process Form, ‘an exploration of 7,762,392 typefaces’.

Eye editor John L. Walters and art director Simon Esterson will preview the next issue, Eye 106, and pay tribute to Derek Birdsall, who died recently aged 89.